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Business Model Canvas Template

Download our FREE Business Model Canvas Template 💡

What's included in the Business Model Canvas Template:

  • Complete Business Model Canvas Template

  • Example Business Model Canvas Frameworks for B2C & B2B Business Models

  • Clear Instructions on how to complete the Business Model Canvas Template

  • Download the template in Google Slides format

Who should download our Free Business Model Canvas Template?

  • You are a startup founder or business owner looking to strategise more effectively

  • You are a Digital Marketing Professional, looking for marketing strategy templates

  • You are a Digital Marketing agency looking to better plan and strategise for your digital marketing projects

How to use the Business Model Canvas Template



  • ✏️ Value Proposition is a statement that paints a clear picture of what your brand has to offer, or in simple terms: What is the problem you are solving?



  • 📊 Are you a one-sided (B2C) business? or a two-sided (B2B2C) business? Who are your ideal customers?



  • 📉 Are you a transactional business, are you operating on a subscription model or running a community? How do you engage with your customers?



  • ⚙️ What are your distribution channels? (how do you sell?) and where are your marketing channels? (where do you market?)



  • ⚙️ What do you need to do to operate and market your business? Think products, distribution, customer service, and marketing



  • ⚙️ What kind of resources do you need to operate your business? Think budget, people, tools, physical location



  • 🚀 How do you need to partner to grow your business? Think operational and marketing partners



  • 📈 Forecast your business and marketing expenses



  • 📉 How do you generate revenue?

Frequently Asked Questions on the Business Model Canvas Template

What goes into a Business Model Canvas template?

Here are the sections of the Business Model Canvas:


  • Customer Segments: Identify the specific groups of customers or market segments your business aims to serve. Define their characteristics, needs, and preferences.


  • Value Propositions: Describe the unique value your product or service offers to your target customers. Explain why customers would choose your offering over competitors.


  • Channels: Outline the different distribution channels through which you will reach and deliver your value proposition to customers. These channels could include physical stores, websites, social media, etc.


  • Customer Relationships: Define the type of relationship you want to establish with your customers. It could be personalized service, self-service, automated support, or community engagement.


  • Revenue Streams: Detail the various sources of revenue generation for your business. Identify the key pricing strategies and revenue models you plan to use.


  • Key Resources: List the critical assets and resources required to deliver your value proposition, reach customers, and operate the business successfully.


  • Key Activities: Outline the key activities and processes your business needs to perform to execute the business model effectively.


  • Key Partnerships: Identify the external partners and alliances that are essential to your business operations and value proposition delivery.


  • Cost Structure: Describe the major costs and expenses incurred to operate your business. This includes both fixed and variable costs.

How can I use a Business Model Canvas template?

  • Define Customer Segments: Identify and describe the specific groups of customers you aim to serve. List their needs, behaviors, and characteristics.


  • Craft Value Propositions: Clearly articulate the unique value your product or service offers to each customer segment. Explain why customers would choose your offering over alternatives.


  • Explore Channels and Customer Relationships: Determine how you will reach and interact with your target customers. Define the most effective distribution channels and types of customer relationships.


  • Plan Revenue Streams: Outline the different ways your business will generate revenue. Consider the pricing strategies and revenue models you intend to use.


  • Identify Key Resources and Activities: List the critical assets and resources your business needs to deliver value and perform key activities required for success.


  • Consider Key Partnerships: Identify external partners or collaborations necessary to support your business operations and enhance your value proposition.


  • Analyze Cost Structure: Detail the major costs and expenses involved in running your business. Differentiate between fixed and variable costs.


  • Make Strategic Decisions: Analyze the connections between different sections of the canvas and use insights to make informed strategic decisions.


  • Communicate and Present: Use the completed Business Model Canvas template to communicate your business model to others, such as team members, investors, or partners.

How often should I update my Business Model Canvas template?

The frequency of updating your Business Model Canvas template depends on various factors, including the nature of your business, the pace of industry changes, and your strategic goals. Here are some considerations to help you determine how often to update your Business Model Canvas:

Business Lifecycle: If your business is in the early stages or experiencing rapid growth, you may need to update the canvas more frequently. Startups and businesses in dynamic industries often require more frequent revisions to adapt to changing market conditions.

Market Changes: Monitor your industry and market closely for any significant shifts, emerging trends, or disruptions. If there are substantial changes in customer preferences, technology advancements, or competitive landscape, consider updating your canvas accordingly.

Customer Feedback: Customer feedback is invaluable for refining your business model. Regularly gather feedback from customers to understand their evolving needs and expectations, and use this information to update the canvas as needed.

New Opportunities: If you identify new opportunities or potential revenue streams, update your canvas to explore how they fit into your existing business model or if they require adjustments to your strategy.

Performance Evaluation: Review your business's performance against your initial canvas to assess its effectiveness. If certain aspects are not delivering the expected results, consider updating and optimizing those areas.

Strategic Planning: As part of your strategic planning process, revisit the Business Model Canvas to align your business goals and priorities. This ensures that your canvas remains up-to-date and relevant.

Periodic Reviews: Consider conducting regular reviews of your canvas on a quarterly or annual basis. This routine evaluation can help you stay proactive and responsive to changes.

Team Input: Involve your team in the updating process. Collaborative discussions and brainstorming sessions can lead to fresh insights and better decision-making.

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