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Google Display Specs

Find the latest Google Display asset specifications
Explore Google Display campaign best practices and optimization tips!

✏️ Responsive Display Ads Specs (Recommended)

  • Image
    Landscape (1.91:1): 1200 x 628 pixels
    Minimum image size: 600 x 314 pixels
    Maximum file size: 5120 KB

    Square: 1200 x 1200 pixels
    Minimum image size: 300 x 300 pixels
    Maximum file size: 5120 KB

    Portrait (9:16) 900 x 1600
    Minimum size: 600 x 1067
    Maximum file size: 5120 KB


  • Logo
    Landscape (4:1): 1200 x 300 pixels
    Minimum logo size: 512 x 128 pixels
    Maximum file size: 5120 KB

    Square: 1200 x 1200 pixels
    Minimum logo size: 128 x 128 pixels
    Maximum file size: 5120 KB

  • x5 Headlines (up to 30 characters)

  • x1 Long Headline (up to 90 characters)

  • x5 Description Lines (up to 90 characters)

🖼️ Image Display Ads

Supported File types

  • Image Formats: GIF, JPG, PNG

  • HTML5 Formats: ZIP containing HTML and optionally CSS, JS, GIF, PNG, JPG, JPEG, SVG (responsive or standard)

  • AMPHTML formats: ZIP containing 1 HTML document and up to 39 media assets.

  • Max. size: 150KB for image files and 600KB for ZIP files

Ad sizes

Square and rectangle

  • 200 × 200    Small square

  • 240 × 400    Vertical rectangle

  • 250 × 250    Square

  • 250 × 360    Triple widescreen

  • 300 × 250    Inline rectangle

  • 336 × 280    Large rectangle

  • 580 × 400    Netboard


  • 468 × 60    Banner

  • 728 × 90    Leaderboard

  • 930 × 180    Top banner

  • 970 × 90    Large leaderboard

  • 970 × 250    Billboard

  • 980 × 120    Panorama


  • 120 × 600    Skyscraper

  • 160 × 600    Wide skyscraper

  • 300 × 600    Half-page

  • 300 × 1050    Portrait


  • 300 × 50    Mobile banner

  • 320 × 50    Mobile banner

  • 320 × 100    Large mobile banner

Google Display Campaigns Tips and Best Practices:

Best Practices:

✅ Provide ALL the available images, logos, headlines, and description lines to achieve optimal performance

✅ Leverage Remarketing Audiences and Contextual Targeting to achieve the best results

✅ Create and target a list of relevant placements (websites) to get in front of 100% relevant audiences

✅ Exclude mobile apps and low-quality topics from your campaign's targeting


💡 Add negative placements every week to prevent budget wastage

💡 Replace your low-performing assets every month

Google provides specific size and format guidelines for image ads. Common sizes include leaderboard (728x90), square (250x250), and skyscraper (120x600), among others, and they typically accept formats like JPG, PNG, and GIF.

What Are the Most Common Sizes and Formats for Image Ads?

Yes, animated ads like GIFs are allowed, but they must adhere to certain specifications, such as file size limits and animation duration.

Can I Use Animated Ads in Google Display Network?

Responsive Display Ads automatically adjust their size, appearance, and format to fit available ad spaces. You provide the assets (images, headlines, logos, videos), and Google automatically generates ads to fit various spaces on the Display Network.

How Do Responsive Display Ads Work?

Yes, video ads are supported and can be a powerful way to engage users. They can run in standalone ad slots or within other streaming video content.

Are Video Ads Supported in Google Display Ads?

Frequently Asked Questions

on Google Display Ads Specifications

Download the Google Display Specifications
and all Google Ads Campaign Specs 📥

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