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  • Writer's pictureKelly Alica Liman

Grant Access (Add Users) to Your Google Analytics 4 (GA4) Account

If you've just made the switch to Google Analytics 4 (GA4), then you may need to add some more users to help you manage your account. This quick and easy guide will show you how to add users and grant them various levels of access to your Google Analytics 4 account. Without further ado, let's get started!


Looking for help or support on Google Analytics 4?


In case you prefer to watch a video, here's a tutorial you can find on XYZ Lab's Youtube Channel!

Topics Covered:

Step 1️: Navigate to Admin

Step 2: Navigate to either Account Access Management or Property Access Management

If you grant access at the account level, then the user will have access to all the properties and data streams under the account. If you grant access at the property level, then the user will only have access to that property and the data streams under the property.

Step 3: Click on the + symbol

Step 4: Select Add Users and insert the Email address of the person you would like to invite

Step 5: Select their access level (Administrator for full access or Editor for reporting access)

Step 6: Click Add


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