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B2B Reporting Template

Download our B2B Reporting Template,including everything you need to measure your Lead Generation performance quickly & easily 📊

What's Included in the B2B Report Template:

Easy & intuitive B2B (Lead Generation) Report Template to follow

B2B Performance Overview and B2B channel performance template

All the B2B metrics you need to focus on for your campaign measurement

Pre-filled examples for quick & easy metric calculation



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Who should download this template?

  • You are a B2B or Lead Generation Marketer, looking to get started with B2B Reporting

  • You are a Digital Marketing Analyst, looking for a quick & easy B2B reporting template to use

  • You are a Digital Marketer looking to organize your B2B (Lead Generation) reporting and measure what matters

How To Report B2B Performance

B2B Reporting Metrics That Matter



# of Sessions

  • Sessions refer to the number of website or landing page visits generated by your marketing activity.


# of Email Opens

  • Email Opens or Message Opens refers to the number of users who opened your email outreach or your LinkedIn messages.



Marketing Qualified Leads (MQL)

  • Marketing Qualified Leads (MQL) refer to the number of form submissions, emails, or message responses. At this stage, the prospective B2B customer showed interest in your product or service but hasn't closed the deal.


% Conversion Rate From Session / Open to Marketing Qualified Lead (MQL)

  • % Conversion rate from Session / Open to MQL refers to the ratio of users who responded to your message or submitted a form divided by the total number or sessions, email opens or messages seen.



Sales Qualified Lead (SQL)

  • Sales Qualified Leads (SQL) refer to the number of customers who closed the deal.


Sales Qualified Lead (SQL)

  • Sales Qualified Leads (SQL) refer to the number of customers who responded to your sales team and booked an appointment or call to discuss your product or service further.


% of Conversion Rate from MQL to SQL

  • % of Conversion Rate from MQL to SQL refers to the % of MQLs who proceeded to book an appointment or sales call with your team to discuss your B2B offering further.



  • Sales refers to the number of SQLs who closed the deal and became paying customers


Cost per Sale

  • Cost per Sale refers marketing cost spent to convert a paying customer.

    (Sales / Total Marketing Cost)



  • Revenue refers to $ dollar amount you generated on average from every paying customer.


Return on Ad Spend (ROAS)

  • ROAS (Return On Ad Spend) is the return you are generating from every paying customer as a result of your marketing activity ((Revenue - Marketing Cost) / (Marketing Cost)). A better way to calculate ROAS is to base it on the revenue of the customer lifetime value of each customer rather than a single sale

Frequently Asked Questions on
B2B Reporting Template

What are the most important B2B Reporting metrics?

Here are the most important B2B Metrics:​

  • Marketing Qualified Leads (MQLs)

  • Cost per MQL

  • Conversion Rate from clicks to MQL

  • Sales Qualified Leads (SQLs)

  • Cost per SQL

  • Conversion Rate from MQL to SQL

  • Sales

  • Cost per Sale

  • Conversion Rate from SQL to Sale

What is the best format for a B2B Marketing Report?

The best format for a B2B marketing  report depends on the audience and the specific data being presented. Here are some common file formats you can use for B2B marketing reports:

  • Google Sheets

  • Microsoft Excel (.xlsx)

  • PowerPoint (.pptx)

  • 3rd party Dashboard Tools like Looker Studio, Tableau or Power BI

Which tools should I use to track my B2B Marketing Performance?

You should use a combination of Marketing, Website and Business tools to track your B2B Marketing Performance:

  • Advertising APIs such as Google Ads, Meta Ads and tools such as Google Analytics will enable you to track Marketing Qualified Leads (MQLs), cost per MQL and the conversion rate from click to MQL.

  • Product Analytics tools, such as Mixpanel, Amplitude or  CRM platforms like HubSpot or Salesforce will enable you to track Sales Qualified leads, the conversion rate from MQL to SQL and the cost per SQL.

  • Sales, cost per sale and the conversion rate from SQL to sale can be tracked via a combination of data coming from your product analytics or CRM tools, taking into account the marketing cost spent on your advertising platforms.

What are the differences between a B2B versus a B2C Marketing Report?

The main difference between a B2B report vs a B2C report is that the B2B journey is longer and includes multiple touchpoints between your business and the customer. As such, B2B reports require the tracking of more metrics via the use of a variety of tools and software such as advertising APIs, website analytics, product analytics and CRM tools.

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