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Writer's pictureSotirios Seridis

How to Apply Filters in Google Analytics 4 (GA4)

If you're just starting to dip your toes in Google Analytics 4, there might be some features you are not familiar with yet. To make full use of GA4's powerful function and gain significant insights, you ought to know certain tricks. For instance, you can apply filters in Google Analytics 4 to narrow down to specific dimensions and metrics and get more in-depth data. As an example, if you're running a global digital marketing campaign, you might want to know the traffic coming from a certain country. Or, if you want to know specific channels that are underperforming, you can also filter out important metrics. This step-by-step guide will teach you how to get various kinds of data by applying filters via GA4 Interface and Free Form Reports!

How to Filter Dimensions via GA4 Interface

  1. Naigate to any GA4 Report

  2. Click "Add filter" (below the report name on top right)

  3. Click on Select Dimension and selet the dimension you would like to filter

  4. Click "OK" and "Apply".


Example 1: Traffic from Mumbai

You can filter out the traffic data to include only those coming from Mumbai by applying a filter for Town/City = Mumbai.

Example 2: Traffic from Mobile

You can apply the same method for any other dimension. You can filter out the traffic data to include only those coming from mobile users by applying a filter for Device category = Mobile.

Example 3: Traffic from Organic Search in Jakarta

We can use filtering in all kinds of reports in GA4. For instance, we can use the filter in the Demographic details report, which shows the data coming from various towns/cities. For example, we would like to know how much traffic in various cities is coming from organic searches. Thus, we applied a filter for Session default channel group = Organic search, filtering out the traffic data to include only those coming from organic searches in these cities.

If we want to narrow down further to a specific dimension, for example, a specific city, we can also use a quick filter. If we want to know the organic traffic data in Jakarta, we can just search the name of the city in the search bar and hit enter, and the report will display the traffic data in Jakarta coming only from organic search.

How to Filter Metrics via Free-form Reports:

  1. Navigate to Explore section (left-hand-side menu)

  2. Select "Free-form"

  3. Add Dimensions:

    1. Click on the "+" symbol next to Dimensions

    2. Find the Dimensions you'd like to include

    3. Click "Import"

  4. Add Metrics:

    1. Click on the "+" symbol next to Metrics

    2. Find the Metrics you'd like to include

    3. Click "Import"

  5. Drag and drop Dimensions to "Rows"

  6. Drag and drop Metrics to "Values"

  7. Add Filters:

    1. Navigate to Filters under Tab Settings

    2. Click on Filters

    3. Create the Filter rule

    4. Click "Apply"


Example: Table with Applied Filter

For example, we can create a report that displays the dimension Session default channel group (Channels) with the metrics Sessions, Total users, and New users, and have applied a filter for Sessions > 5,000. As such, the table only displays the channels which have over 5,000 sessions over the defined period of time.

Frequently Asked Questions on Applying Filters in Google Analytics 4 (GA4)

What is the difference between segments and filters in GA4?

Filters are used to include or exclude data within a single report based on specific criteria, while segments are subsets of your data that can be applied across multiple reports and explorations to analyze particular user groups or behaviors.

What types of filters can I create in GA4?

GA4 offers a wide range of filter types:

  • User Filters (e.g., user properties, demographics, behavior)

  • Event Filters (e.g., event name, event parameters)

  • Traffic Source Filters (e.g., campaign, referrer, advertising)

  • Device Filters (e.g., device category, operating system, browser)

  • Location Filters (e.g., country, region, city)

  • Custom Filters using a combination of the above filter types.


You can also build filters to either include or exclude certain metrics or dimensions. You can combine multiple filters to create complex segmentation.

Can I apply multiple filters to a single GA4 report?

Yes, you can apply multiple filters to a single report to refine your data further. When you add multiple filters to a report, they are applied cumulatively, further refining the data shown in the report. Combine filters to include or exclude data based on various criteria to get a more specific view of your analytics.

It's important to note that the order in which you apply the filters can impact the final results, as the filters are applied sequentially. You can rearrange the order of the filters or remove any of them as needed.


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